Saturday, May 10, 2008

Six Weeks to Go!

Well Grandma's Marathon is now officially six weeks out! I had my first every 20 miler today and I hate to report that I crashed and burned. I am not quite sure why but I suspect that I did not eat enough in the day before. I started hitting the wall at mile 15 and at mile 17.5 I had to throw in the towel. I am going to start using gatorade on runs and up my gel packs too. I am not too worried about it. I have another 20 miler in several weeks. I have a 7, 16, Northern Lake 30k (18.5 mi) and 20 mile long runs before the taper starts. Overall I am still feeling pretty decent. I have had a hint of an IT band pain throughout the past few weeks but I am keeping an eye on it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan, keep up the great work and don't get too discouraged. You're well on your way. Actually, Grandma's is going to be my first marathon, too, and I've been running seriously for one year (dropped 40 myself in that span). Everyone has their own training program, and I really struggled with my 20 miler yesterday (on a treadmill thanks to Mother Nature). Anyway, keep plugging away and use those upcoming runs as a fitness barometer and great training exercises for the big one!